Property frequently asked questions

Property frequently asked questions

Property frequently asked questions

·         How do you calculate the estimate for my damages?

Our claim representatives write your estimate using state-of-the-art software that takes into account local material prices and labor rates. Our estimating software is identical to software used by most insurance carriers, and our estimates are based on quality materials comparable to those found in your home before it was damaged.

·         What do the terms "Actual Cash Value" (ACV) and "Replacement Cost Value" (RCV) mean?

Replacement Cost Value (RCV) is the current cost of repairing or replacing a damaged or destroyed item with a similar one. Actual Cash Value (ACV) is the value of the damaged or destroyed item at the time of the loss. Generally, ACV is calculated as RCV minus depreciation.

·         What is depreciation? When is it applied to my loss, and can I get any money back for it?

Depreciation is the loss of value that occurs over time due to factors such as age, wear and tear, and obsolescence. If you have replacement cost coverage included on your policy, you may be able to receive additional money to cover the depreciation of these items. If this is the case, reimbursement may involve two or more payments — one for your initial payment based on the actual cash value of your items and then additional payment(s) once you repair and/or replace the damaged items and provide us with documentation.

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